Today was our 30 week appt. They do our second sonogram and attempt to do the 3D sonogram. Unfortunately, the placenta was in the way and the 3D sonogram was pretty unsuccessful. She did snap one picture, but it really isnt that good. Trey was able to go with us and was very excited to see Marlee on the big screen. She was sucking and blinking her eyes, he thought that was "cool"!! What is important is that she is growing as she should be, weighing approx. 3 lbs. 11 oz.. I have gained 3 lbs. since our last appt., weighing in at 138 lbs. !! These last couple months are when mommy and baby should gain the most weight as she finishes growing. I will give the office a call this Friday to receive my C-Section date, very exciting!
I begin seeing the dr. every two weeks with our next appt. being August 16th. Marlee will make her debut very soon and we can't wait. Her room is well on its way to being done and it is looking really cute. Big thanks to Lee and I's parents for doing all that they have to make her room special. We are extremely lucky to have such supportive parents. Thanks to my cousin Cheri for painting Marlee's name and her husband Aaron for hanging the trim. We are truly blessed with talented friends and family.
We are all wondering will Marlee look like Trey with blonde hair and blue eyes or will she surprise us with dark skin, dark hair and dark eyes like her daddy????
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the pictures!