Next Thursday, September 30th, is the day! Marlee Nicole Goodman will make her long awaited debut. We are super excited and I am super ready. This pregnancy has really flown by and now it is right around the corner and I still have lots to do. I am still working on my sub plans for work, that is a HUGE task! All my teacher friends and family know what I am talking about. Her room is almost done, just a couple more things to add and I will post pictures of it, it looks great.
My belly is enormous and seems to grow each day. I am weighing in at a whopping 155 lbs. and hope to be holding at that. At the end of my pregnancy with Trey I weighed 158lbs. So, I have done about the same weight gain, give or take 5 lbs..
I was planning on working next week, but I am done as of this Friday. It is getting to be too much and I need a few days to grasp the fact that I will soon not only have a newborn, but 2 children. I need to get things in order at home, finish my thank you cards, stock the pantry and wash her clothes and sheets, etc...... Clean one more good time and hope to keep it that way for a few weeks. I know that I won't feel like doing too much of those things when I get home from the hospital.
I am still a little nervous about the C-section, but know that everything will be ok and I will survive. It has to be better than what I went through with Trey, no doubt about that.
They cant really tell me how big she is since they havent done another sonogram since 30 weeks and wont do one again. I think she may weigh in a little heavier than Trey did, but we shall see. I am having lots of pressure and sometimes pain, so when the dr. said her head was WAY down, I totally believe him. Feels like she is going to fall out at times.
We all wonder what she will look like. Trey had a dream about her and says that she has dark skin and dark hair like daddy. I cant wait to see if he is right, he has been with everything else. Amazing what kids know and can tell you. Trey is still super excited about her, we are hoping that jealousy doesnt take over once she comes home and he realizes she isnt leaving. :-)
We have been so blessed with many showers receiving great gifts. Her room is full of pink clothes, shoes and bows. We have a closet full of diapers and wipes and blankets galore. We keep forgetting it will get cold soon after she is born, therefore all those blankets will come in handy. Thank you to everyone that has been so wonderful to us and helping our family prepare for Marlee. We have the best family and friends anyone could ask for. Ill probably have one more post next week so stay tuned........
I posted a few pictures, hope you enjoy.