We are now 34 weeks pregnant! C-Section is scheduled for September 30th, just 10 days after Lee's birthday. Marlee is growing right on track, weighing around 4 pounds. At our appointment last week I weighed 144 lbs., gaining lots of weight here towards the end. She constantly moves and keeps me awake. Her room is almost complete and it looks so cute! Trey is still excited and talks to her constantly.
I am a little nervous about having a C-Section, but I know I am in good hands and will be just fine. I have had lots of heartburn, and by "old wise tale" she must have lots of hair. :-) I am ready for the heat wave to go away, I dont think I have every been this hot in my life! I am sure Lee enjoys me not minding if the air is on since I am normally always cold. I have less and less energy as I get bigger and bigger.... Poor Trey is probably ready for his mommy that loved being outside to return instead of the mommy he has now, that loves to be inside in the a/c.
I am excited about school starting next week. I get to be with my new students for about 5 or 6 weeks before I am out 6 weeks with the baby. Trey is also going to start Pre-K at Hillcrest this year, he is growing up way too fast.
Had our first baby shower today and it was a blast, got lots of cute and useful things. I will post pictures of that soon!
Marlee Nicole Goodman will be here so very soon and we are all so excited to meet her, CAN'T WAIT!!